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Activities in and around the mountain village of Vals, suggested by the photographer duo Valentin Manhart and Roman Flepp alias „TwintheWorld“

#1 The Village

One of the great advantages of a stay in Vals is that you can set foot outside the door at any time and completely immerse yourself in the picturesque backdrop of the authentic mountain village - be it on a discovery tour through the narrow streets or simply on an evening walk after dinner.


#2 Hiking from Gadastatt

The cable car takes you from Vals to 1800 m above sea level. Free to Gadastatt in summer. The mountain station of the cable car is the ideal starting point – and not just for winter sports. From there, you can reach the Frunt or Alp Stafelti viewpoint without too much effort. The place is also a suitable starting point for larger and more alpine hikes.

#3 Thermal Baths

Located right at the entrance to the village, the famous 7132 Therme is another must-do point. It is an attraction, especially for architecture lovers, which alone makes the trip to Vals worth it.


#5 Waterfalls!

What you see often on your way to the mountain village is even more in the immediate vicinity of the village - wild mountain streams and waterfalls. It's often worth taking a closer look and exploring one of the waterfalls up close.

#4 A Campfire by the River

One of the best things to do in summer is to build a campfire by the river. Equipped with matches and fine sausages, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere in no time. One of the fire pits can be found at the village entrance down by the river.

#6 The Zerveilahorn

The landscape around Vals has a lot to offer. The most striking is probably the Zervreilahorn, the “Matterhorn of Graubünden,” which is definitely worth seeing. Accessible by bus in summer, but only by car in winter, you have one of the most beautiful views of the mountain top from the Zervreilasee dam.


#7 Snoshoe Hike

In winter, a guided snowshoe hike towards Alp Peil is highly recommended. In the enchanted winter landscape you can recharge your batteries and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere in the snow-covered forests.

#8 Tobogganing from Zerveiladamm to the village

Another highlight around wintery Vals is a toboggan tour. In the village, you can take the bus to the Zervreila restaurant below Lake Zervreila, enjoy a warm Ovaltine or a coffee, and then toboggan down to the village.


#10 Bike Tour

Three trails have been developed for biking in the region. There are often large inclines in mountainous terrain, but the paths are well-developed. If you don't mind a little exercise, a tour like this is definitely recommended. E-bikes are also available to rent - either at the 7132 Hotel or at Visit Vals.


#9 Climbing

If you're a climbing enthusiast, you won't miss out on Vals either. Everything from beginner routes to higher levels of difficulty can be found. Climbing in the breathtaking nature and fresh mountain air is a unique experience.